Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Flutter, flutter.........punch!
Okay, I know it has been a while so I have a lot to say!!! But first I have to tell everyone about last night. So Joe and I were sitting on the couch watching TV and all night I had been feeling these little flutters in my tummy. So there I was minding my own business and all of a sudden I felt a punch or a kick!!!!! It was the first time I have really felt the baby "kick"!!! I was so excited and surprised that Joe looked at me and asked, "Whats the matter?" Then he reached over to touch my tummy, but of course it didn't happen again. I have to say I was a little worried because I hadn't really felt much. But then at work today I felt it a bunch more times! So now I know the baby is really in there!!!!
I had a Dr appt on Dec 3 which was a week after my ultrasound. He said that the ultrasound looked good and that my placenta is in the front which is why I haven't really felt anything. It is acting like a sponge so when the baby kicks it just absorbs it and I don't feel it. He also said that at my next appt we can do another ultrasound and take a peek to see if we can find out what it is. That appt will be on Dec 31 so I am praying that the baby will cooperate and we will be able to know if we are having a boy or a girl. We for sure have a girl name picked out-but no middle name and we have come up with some boy ones we like too. I am anxious to get started on the babies room and have it actually look like we are expecting someone!!!!
We stopped in at Babies R Us on Friday because we were early for a movie and looked at cribs, strollers, car seats, pack n plays, etc. It was so much fun!!!!!! It still seems a little unreal that our house is going to be full of baby stuff soon!!!!! Hopefully in January I will be able to register for everything that we want/need! I know it will be overwhelming but I am looking forward to it!!!!
Other than that we have been getting ready for Christmas. Joe is enjoying his new position in Comcast working in Business Support. He is back to M-F 9am-6pm so we are enjoying having our Saturdays to sleep in and hang out!!! Roxy still thinks she should go for a walk everyday even if it is only 5 degrees outside. We are trying the best we can to accommodate that but sometimes it is just too stinkin cold out :) But she seems to still love us!! So life is good at the Reinwand's house!!!! We will definitely let everyone know what we find out on the 31st!!! Keep your fingers crossed........................................
I had a Dr appt on Dec 3 which was a week after my ultrasound. He said that the ultrasound looked good and that my placenta is in the front which is why I haven't really felt anything. It is acting like a sponge so when the baby kicks it just absorbs it and I don't feel it. He also said that at my next appt we can do another ultrasound and take a peek to see if we can find out what it is. That appt will be on Dec 31 so I am praying that the baby will cooperate and we will be able to know if we are having a boy or a girl. We for sure have a girl name picked out-but no middle name and we have come up with some boy ones we like too. I am anxious to get started on the babies room and have it actually look like we are expecting someone!!!!
We stopped in at Babies R Us on Friday because we were early for a movie and looked at cribs, strollers, car seats, pack n plays, etc. It was so much fun!!!!!! It still seems a little unreal that our house is going to be full of baby stuff soon!!!!! Hopefully in January I will be able to register for everything that we want/need! I know it will be overwhelming but I am looking forward to it!!!!
Other than that we have been getting ready for Christmas. Joe is enjoying his new position in Comcast working in Business Support. He is back to M-F 9am-6pm so we are enjoying having our Saturdays to sleep in and hang out!!! Roxy still thinks she should go for a walk everyday even if it is only 5 degrees outside. We are trying the best we can to accommodate that but sometimes it is just too stinkin cold out :) But she seems to still love us!! So life is good at the Reinwand's house!!!! We will definitely let everyone know what we find out on the 31st!!! Keep your fingers crossed........................................
Monday, November 26, 2007
It's a...............

Well, where do I begin. We had our ultrasound today and it didn't really go like I planned. First of all I went to Utah this weekend to see Thekla and be at her baby shower. It was so much fun to see her and be able to spend some time with her!! But I got in about 12am this morning and Joe and I didn't get home until almost 1am. So I got up about an hour before I was supposed to be at the ultrasound. I ate breakfast and started drinking my water (you are supposed to drink 16oz of water before you have it) and I finished it a little before we got there. By the time I checked in I already had to pee, but you are supposed to have a full bladder because it makes the baby be up higher and they can see it better. We didn't have to wait very long and then we got called to go back. The ultrasound tech had me lay down and then we started. Her first comment was about having a full bladder, which I was sure I did, but apparently it didn't have anything in it. So it started off on a bad note (she was kind of rude and I didn't like her at all). Then she looked at my uterus, then at the baby and all of the organs. She measured everything and said that she was measuring me at 18 weeks 4 days. According to the Dr I was 19 weeks and 4 days, so that puts me a whole week behind. Because of this she said that we probably wouldn't be able to tell the sex. They want you to be closer to 20 weeks if you want to know what it is. So we had our hearts set on that and it didn't really happen. The baby finally gave us a shot of that area, but the tech said that what we saw could either be the labia or undescended testicles. She said she was about 70% sure it's a girl. Needless to say, I was really disappointed and couldn't hold back the tears. So I spent the car ride home balling while Joe did his best to comfort me. After I had a little time to digest everything I realized that we actually got to see our baby today!!! And it did some really cute things. At one point it had a nice big stretch!!! And it looked like it was sucking its thumb! So we have some cute pictures and hopefully we will be able to find out in the next few weeks. My Dr had said that if we weren't able to tell when they did the ultrasound today that we could do it later at the Dr's office. So like I keep saying..........we will keep you posted.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Holy crap! I hit the jackpot!!!!!! My friend Kim is the best!!!! I have enough maternity clothes to cover me for the rest of my pregnancy!!! Kim let me take home all the clothes she has last night and there is a little bit of everything! I feel like I just won a shopping spree, except I didn't even have to go to a store or spend any money! I love that I am not the first one of my friends to be pregnant!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Pregnant or just fat????

Hey everyone! I know it's been a while but there hasn't been anything too exciting to report. But we did have a doctors appt today! It was fun because my mom got to come with me. She has been in town this week, just for a quick visit. So she got to hear the heart beat, which is something that she hasn't heard before! The doctor said it was about 142-146 and sounded really strong! (A normal baby heart beat is somewhere between 120-160 so we're right in the middle.) By the time four weeks comes along I sort of start to wonder if the baby is still in there so it was reassuring to hear that!!!! He said that I am measuring at what I should be and everything looks good! I gained a little weight too, which is good! I haven't thrown up for a week and a half, so I think I have crossed that point!!! Thank goodness! So our next appt is Nov 26 and that is for the ultrasound. So hopefully if the baby cooperates we will find out what we are having!!!!!
I am finally starting to look like I am pregnant and not just fat!!! I haven't felt the baby kick yet, but hopefully I will be able to soon!!! I can't believe that I am already 4 months along. Time sure goes quickly. We will be parents before we know it!
Monday, October 15, 2007
There's really a baby in there...
We had our second dr appt today. We got to meet Dr Lacher who will be delivering our baby, if it works out how we hope!!! He seems like a really nice guy. Kind of a dry sense of humor but really down to earth. I think it will be a good fit! The best part was that we got to hear the heart beat!!! It was amazing!!! I can't believe how fast it is! The dr said that it sounded very strong and because of that he said there is pretty much a zero chance for miscarriage at this point. Which was very relieving because we had a little scare yesterday with a little spotting. But it was minimal and is gone now. So that was very good to hear!!!
All of my lab work from last time came back negative and I found out my blood type is A positive. I have lost a few pounds so he suggested that I stop my prenatal vitamins for 2 weeks to see if I can completely kick my morning sickness. It is a thousand times better, but every couple of mornings I still throw up. So hopefully that will help to make it stop completely.
I also got a flu shot for the first time in my life! But they say it is a good idea if you are pregnant because it is not good if pregnant ladies get influenza. So I figured better to be safe than sorry.
So everything looks good on the baby front!!! We are really excited and it's starting to feel a little more real. I took a twelve week picture of my belly, but it's not really a "belly" yet! So I will probably post a 16 week picture. So stay tuned!!!!!
All of my lab work from last time came back negative and I found out my blood type is A positive. I have lost a few pounds so he suggested that I stop my prenatal vitamins for 2 weeks to see if I can completely kick my morning sickness. It is a thousand times better, but every couple of mornings I still throw up. So hopefully that will help to make it stop completely.
I also got a flu shot for the first time in my life! But they say it is a good idea if you are pregnant because it is not good if pregnant ladies get influenza. So I figured better to be safe than sorry.
So everything looks good on the baby front!!! We are really excited and it's starting to feel a little more real. I took a twelve week picture of my belly, but it's not really a "belly" yet! So I will probably post a 16 week picture. So stay tuned!!!!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
I'm back :)
It's a miracle!!!!! And I am not just talking about giving life to a child. I am talking about me and the fact that I haven't thrown up in 2 whole days!!!!!!!! And I haven't been taking the Unisom any more either. I finally feel "human" again!!!! I still want to go to bed at 8:30, but I feel more like me again!! I guess what they say about hitting 12 weeks is true!!! That's when it started going up hill for me! And I hope that it just keeps getting better. I am looking forward to enjoying being pregnant!! My next doctor's appt is on Monday, so I will give an update then.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
My saving grace
I have found the most wonderful drug in the whole world! Unisom. Yes it is a sleep aid, but the next day I feel like a new woman and usually don't throw up, which is a huge accomplishment. Needless to say, there has been a lot of that going on and I am crossing my fingers that I only have a couple more weeks left. And also, I have never been this tired before in my whole life!!! Who knew cooking a baby could be so exhausting!!!!!! Poor Joe has been putting up with me very well and I am so glad! He is wonderful!!!! Well, keep your fingers crossed that this doesn't last too much longer!!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
It's a...............
Just something fun I looked up online. According to the Chinese Lunar Calendar we are having a girl!!!!! I hope it's right..................
Finally Pregnant!!!!!!!!

Well everyone, it is official. After a long year of lots of disappointment we are finally going to have a baby!!!! It is still hard to believe, but we had our first appointment today and there is actually a baby in my belly! It's been a tough couple of weeks, but it is totally worth it. I have been nauseous and tired and crabby, but Joe is sticking around and we couldn't be more excited. So I thought I would start this blog to help update and keep everyone informed who has left the beloved state of Minnesota and ditched us!!!!! We miss everyone a ton, and figured this was the best way to keep in touch with everyone. So I hope you visit often to find out how we are doing.
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