Hey everyone! I know it's been a while but there hasn't been anything too exciting to report. But we did have a doctors appt today! It was fun because my mom got to come with me. She has been in town this week, just for a quick visit. So she got to hear the heart beat, which is something that she hasn't heard before! The doctor said it was about 142-146 and sounded really strong! (A normal baby heart beat is somewhere between 120-160 so we're right in the middle.) By the time four weeks comes along I sort of start to wonder if the baby is still in there so it was reassuring to hear that!!!! He said that I am measuring at what I should be and everything looks good! I gained a little weight too, which is good! I haven't thrown up for a week and a half, so I think I have crossed that point!!! Thank goodness! So our next appt is Nov 26 and that is for the ultrasound. So hopefully if the baby cooperates we will find out what we are having!!!!!
I am finally starting to look like I am pregnant and not just fat!!! I haven't felt the baby kick yet, but hopefully I will be able to soon!!! I can't believe that I am already 4 months along. Time sure goes quickly. We will be parents before we know it!
I can't believe it has already been four months. Time flies. You look great. I am so excited for you. Congradulations on hearing the heart beat that is a relief. I can't wait to find out what you are having. Miss you and Joe lots. Wish I could be there and see your experience first hand. You are awesome.
Yeah! I'm so happy for you to be done with throwing up! Enjoy your maternity wardrobe - I kind of miss it sometimes. It's great being able to show off your belly instead of hide it!
Hey you two...you are looking pretty pregnant now....sounds like lots of fun baby shopping and getting ready for your lucky baby girl. Any names picked out yet? I think you are due in April?...Take care..LOve Aunt Betty and Uncle Bruce
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