Okay, so I am not so good at keeping up this blog, but I am 9 months pregnant and completely exhausted, so that is my excuse!!!!! Well, things have been going pretty well. I had 3 showers this month, all in a row. So the first three Saturday's in March were busy but really fun!!!!! I got to have one for people from church, one with my mom and best friends, and people from work! We were able to get a ton of cute little girl outfits and a few necessities!!!!! Also my co-workers who weren't able to come to my shower threw a little party at work. We had a pot luck lunch and they gave me a gift certificate for Babies 'R Us which we were able to use to get the swing we registered for. We still have a few things we would like to pick up before Kaelyn is born, but we are set with all of the big items that are needed. We are truly blessed with all of the wonderful friends and family that we have!!!!
I had my 36th week check today. I was really excited to see if I had made any progress, but of course I haven't even dilated a little tiny bit!!!! My Dr said he thinks that I will be around for at least two more appts-which are on a weekly basis now. I asked about how much he thinks she weighs and he said about 7-7 1/2 pounds. He thinks she will make it to 8 pounds. She is head down, so everything is moving in the right direction. I am in charge of a friends bridal shower this weekend, so after that is done I will be up for trying to get this baby to come!!!!! I am really uncomfortable and just wish she would come, but I know the longer she is in there the healthier she will be. So we will have to wait and see what happens!!!!
make sure she stays in till the 5th of april!!!
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. Look at YOU!!!
I can't believe how big your belly is. It is gorgeous. What a lucky duck... you are almost done. YEAAHHH.
Love ya
You look great Lindsay
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