Well, we put the crib and dresser together this past weekend. Putting it together was the easy part!! We had Ethan, Kim, Kelsey and Bryson there to help, and it actually went together nice and smoothly. While we were putting it together both Kim and I commented that we thought there was metal on the dresser, but then I didn't really think much about it.
So after that was all done, we all took a trip to Babies 'R Us to see about getting a really good deal on my breast pump. We had a couple of coupons and Kim's 10% discount that we were hoping to use. So we were able to get 35% off which saved us $87!!!! (Thanks Kim, you are the best :)) As Kim was doing that I was off to the bathroom with Kelsey and when we were done I decided to go look at the cribs. It turned out that the crib and dresser that we had just put together were not the one's that we thought we had ordered. After looking at my receipt, the crib and dresser that we ordered and payed for were the one's that got ordered, but they were different than we thought. So the guy who helped us ordered the wrong one's. Any way, to make a long story short, we are keeping the one's we got, because there is no way a sane person would take it all apart, get a friend to bring it down 4 flights of stairs, rent a truck to bring it all back in, reorder the right crib, wait for that to come in, rent another truck to pick the correct one up in, get a friend to bring it up another 4 flights of stairs, and put it all together again!!!!! The bright side is that the one's we did end up with were on clearance and we were able to get some money back. So at least we have it all done and nowwe can just work on getting the last little bit to decorate the nursery!!! Yeah!!!! And it looks soooooooooo cute!!!!
1 comment:
WOW! Now your little one has a new home to come to. This makes it seem
a little more real. I'm sure she will love her own space.
You all have done a wonderful job on setting up her new room.
Love ya, Nana
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