As for me and the baby....we had an exciting adventure to the hospital the end of June. I had gone in for my regular OB check on 6/23. The babies heart rate was pretty high and I was measuring a little big. So my Dr sent me to have an ultrasound the next day to see how everything was. After my ultrasound was over my Dr called right a way and told me that the baby's heart rate was very high and he was retaining fluid. He wanted me to go to Methodist hospital right away. He said they were expecting me and that I would have a consult with a perinatologist. So I called Joe right away and told him I was headed to the hospital right away. So he met me there.
Once I got to the hospital they admitted me and started monitoring the baby right away. I even got a shot of steroids that were to help the baby's lungs develop. The Dr came in and told me that I would be taking a ride over Abbott Northwestern in an ambulance. It was during rush hour so I got to have the lights and sirens on too!!
So then I got admitted to Abbott and Joe met me there. I met half a dozen Drs that night. Some were perinatolgists-for the baby, and others were cardiologists-for me. So what ended up happening was they put me on medication to help bring the baby's heart rate down. His heart rate was over 200 and normally should be between 120-160. So basically we just had to sit and wait until the baby's heart rate converted. I had to be in the hospital until this happened. So finally Friday night/Saturday this finally happened. It got down to about 170 and they were happy with that. During all this I was having an EKG everyday along with the baby being monitored everyday for 1 hour twice a day. We found out that he is also breeched so I will have another c-section for sure. I also was having a lot of contractions in the hospital so they put me on medication to help stop those as well. So there was a lot going on for both of us. I finally got to go home on Monday. Now the plan is for me to "take it easy" and go in to be monitored twice a week along with having a BPP-which is basically an ultrasound to see how the baby is doing. I also see the perinatologist for my weekly OB appt. I had a C-section scheduled at Abbott for 8/25but this week the ultrasound showed that Austin is already 8 pounds-give or take a pound either way. So we could see about delivering a little earlier than that!!!!! Now it's just a waiting game.
Also I fell down the stairs about two weeks ago. They wouldn't do an x-ray to see if it is broken, but either way there isn't anything they can do for that. So I am finally getting a little better, but I can't sit very long, and I can't stand very long. My mom came up on July 4th, so she is helping a lot with Kaelyn. I am not supposed to lift her anyways. So things have been hard and I am really ready to have this pregnancy over with. So I am taking it one day at time...
Here's me at 33 weeks.....a week ago
When you get a break- you need to call me!
Lindsay, you've been thru so much. I can't believe you fell. I miss you so much. You're in my prayers. Good luck with everything. You are a trooper.
Love ya
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