Kaelyn officially witnessed her first 4th of July, and even had a cute little outfit to go with it!!!! We started the day off by going to visit Grandma and Grandpa Renstrom (Joe's mom and step dad) and she got to meet Aunt Debbie! Then we headed out with our friends Ethan and Kim to a party that people from their ward were having. There were four couples there and three of us had babies within a few weeks of each other!!!! There was great food and a pool which Kaelyn dipped her little toes in!!!!! After the BBQ we headed out to Waconia to see the fireworks and we had a great spot! There is a golf course right off the side of the road that people sit at to watch them. After feeding Kaelyn about 9:30pm she drifted off to sleep and slept through the whole thing!!!! She didn't make a peep the entire time the fireworks were going off!!! Then she slept the whole way home and until 5am the next morning. It was a great night and we had a lot of fun!!!!!
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