This has been a really fun month for us!!!! Kaelyn is cuter than ever!! She loves to smile, especially for the boys!!! Daddy and Grandpa get the biggest smiles from her!!! Her favorite song is the Itsy Bitsy Spider and she watches for what comes next while you sing it to her. Her favorite book is Colors, each page has a color with two different objects on it. She loves to stand!! And she is "talking" a lot. She has also started holding on to things like her phone. Her newest thing is giving kisses. She opens her mouth right before you give her one and gets you all wet! She is so much fun and we love her soooo much!!!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thursday, July 10, 2008
We love Texas!!!!!!
Kaelyn's Blessing

Sunday, July 6th, we had a great turn out for Kaelyn's Blessing. We had lots of friends and family members there and Kaelyn was adorable!!!! She cried through the whole thing, but we still love her!!!! Joe did a wonderful job too. Afterwards we had a BBQ at Joe's mom's house. It was sooooooooo hot but we had a really good time!
4th of July

Kaelyn officially witnessed her first 4th of July, and even had a cute little outfit to go with it!!!! We started the day off by going to visit Grandma and Grandpa Renstrom (Joe's mom and step dad) and she got to meet Aunt Debbie! Then we headed out with our friends Ethan and Kim to a party that people from their ward were having. There were four couples there and three of us had babies within a few weeks of each other!!!! There was great food and a pool which Kaelyn dipped her little toes in!!!!! After the BBQ we headed out to Waconia to see the fireworks and we had a great spot! There is a golf course right off the side of the road that people sit at to watch them. After feeding Kaelyn about 9:30pm she drifted off to sleep and slept through the whole thing!!!! She didn't make a peep the entire time the fireworks were going off!!! Then she slept the whole way home and until 5am the next morning. It was a great night and we had a lot of fun!!!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
2 months
So this is a little late, but Kaelyn went in for her 2 month check on June 25th. She was up to 11 pounds and 23 inches long. She is between the 50-75 percentile for height and weight. So she is growing and doing very well!!! This has been a very fun month for us! She loves to smile and talk to people. She is always gooing for daddy when he gets home from work and when we change her diaper!!!! She loves to be naked and take a bath! She is doing very well at keeping her head up and is getting stronger every day. She is also very opinionated and will let you know when she is mad. Usually it is just when she is hungry, but every once in a while she can be a little fussy. She has been sleeping through the night for a few weeks now. She usually goes down about 11pm and will sleep until between 5-7am. She is a very good baby and we love her to pieces!!!! We love being a family and feel so blessed to have her for our daughter!!!!
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