Saturday, October 2, 2010

September 2010

Well, I guess I can say that September was a little less eventful than August was! Thank goodness. Aside from coughs and sniffles which seemed to follow us the whole month, we are all doing pretty well. The big thing that started this month is ECFE (early childhood family education). We decided to to a class for Kaelyn and for Austin. Kaelyn's class is Tuesday mornings and Austin's is Thursday. During Kaelyn's class Austin is at home with Joe, but on Thursday mornings Joe is sleeping. So Kaelyn goes with us and stays at sibling care. Each class is 1 1/2-2 hours long. It is divided up between play time, circle time-which includes singing, parent education time, and snack time. Both kids are really enjoying it and it's nice to get out and meet new people.
Kaelyn is working hard at learning her colors and shapes. She gets them correct about 50% of the time. She loves to count too, but always ends up saying 1,2, hopefully she will figure it out eventually!!! She is talking so well now and it is so much fun to have a conversation with her that you actually understand!
Austin is such a little man! He is into everything but especially loves music. He is always dancing or bopping his head to the music. He loves to read and look at books and is walking all over the place. He really loves his sister too and is always wanting to get into what ever she is doing. His collar bone seems to be healing well and doesn't seem to bother him at all.
Joe is doing great with keeping up with his school work and working and being a husband and being a dad! He is one busy guy!!!!
We are looking forward to a trip out west to visit some friends in Idaho and Utah. I'm sure we will have lots of pictures to share!

Please click on the picture below
September 2010

1 comment:

Thekla and Grayson said...

Your kids are getting so big! Guess what? better be in MN for Christmas because we finally get to come home!