Sunday, February 1, 2009

9 months

Well, this has been a really exciting month for all of us!!! Kaelyn is learning and growing so quickly and it is amazing to see her make so many connections. This month she has mastered crawling and pulling herself to a standing position. She even has a few seconds where she is standing all by herself. She walks if you let her hold onto your fingers and pulls herself up on everything! We had our first airplane ride! My brother got married in Texas and the whole family flew down. It actually went really well. We flew to Houston and then to Austin so it was 4 plane rides. On our way home to MN we got stuck for 2 hours due to a snow storm. We had to sit on the plane for quite a while and lots of people commented on how well she did. So that was nice!!!! She knows how to say mama and dada and Joe is trying to get her to say hi. She also waves, although she isn't consistant. She is starting to like solid foods a little better! She really enjoys Mac & Cheese and can now drink out of her sippy cup. She would rather drink out of a regular cup which gets very messy!!! She had her 9 month check and is now 17 pounds 2 ounces and 27 1/4 inches tall. She is still a little peanut but she is healthy and doing very well!!!!

We also found out that we are expecting baby #2. We found out the day after Christmas! I am due Sept 1st but will probably have another c-section 7-10 days before that. Kaelyn will be 16 months old! Needless to say we were very surprised but are excited now that the shock has worn off!!! Let's just say it is going to be a very loooooooonnnnnnnnggggggg summer for mama!!!!!

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I am so grateful you, Joe, and Kaelyn made it down. It means so much for us that she was able to be there and apart of everything!! I can't wait to go over the pictures with her as she gets older to show her being apart of Uncle Nate's and Aunty Elizabeth's wedding!!

I am soo happy to hear how well she is doing! She is growing up so fast!!
Nate and I are so so thrilled about the news of the new baby!! I am so happy for you and the family! I hope you're doing well!



P.S. Happy early Birthday!!!