Austin had his six month check at the Dr last week. He weighed in at 17 pounds 14 ounces and is 28 inches. At Kaelyn's 1 year check she weighed 17 pounds 6 ounces. I can't believe that my six month old officially weighs more than his sister did at 1year!!!! I can't imagine what he is going to grow up to be......
Well, we survived another crazy and busy month! The kids are doing really well and are so much fun to watch! Kaelyn is starting to talk a lot more and is saying new words everyday. She babble a lot too and then she will throw a real word in the middle of it and it just cracks us up!!! She loves her little brother and is always wanting him to sit by her and play! She has found a favorite new word which is "mine" and has developed a little attitude to go with it. It will be interesting to see how things develop with her in the coming months. She and I started ECFE classes again this month and she seems to be enjoying it. She graduated from the infant room to the toddler room. There are many more toys for her to play with and the parents leave the room for part of the time. She doesn't seem to mind too much when I leave so I'm grateful for that! Just in the last few weeks she has started not liking to take baths. She is afraid of the floaties in the tub. Everyday is a new experience with her!!!! Austin is getting so big!!!! He has started eating baby cereal, fruits and veggies. He seems to really like bananas and sweet potatoes. He loves his big sister and is always watching her to see what comes next! He puts up with a lot from her but doesn't really seem to mind!!! He has started spiting and buzzing his lips as one of his favorite activities. He has also really started rolling around and will even end up on the opposite side of his crib in the morning! He is a great baby! We realize everyday how blessed we are!!!!!