Well, it's hard to believe another month has gone by! Kaelyn is doing very well and is so much fun!!! She has mastered sitting and loves to sit on the floor with all of her toys. She is figuring out how to put the fishes in her fish bowl and take the rings off of the stack. She still loves "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "All Around the Mulberry bush". She loves to "fall"! She arches her back so she can fly backwards! Her favorite thing to say is "da da" and "na na". She hasn't quite figured out "ma ma" but gets a kick out of it when you say it to her!! She is also learning how to wave. She gets her fingers moving every so often when you wave and say hi or buh bye!!! Her favorite thing to eat is squash and sweet potatoes. She had her first taste of mashed potatoes, ice cream, a french fry, crouton, cooked carrot and noodles. She hasn't figured out how to crawl yet, but she is working on it. She can get up on her hands and knees and rock back and forth. As soon as she figures it out she will be off!!! She seems to like Roxy and reaches her hand out to pat her. She is a very happy kid and doesn't mind being passed around!!!! We are so blessed and can't imagine life without her!!!!!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Oh no......what have I done???
So we have been thinking about cutting Kaelyn's hair for a while now. Needless to say our daughter has had a mullet!!! The back has been way longer than the top and sides. We are going to get her 6 month pictures taken on Saturday and decided we should just cut it. She was a litte antsy and wouldn't sit still--she is only six months after all!!!! So one side ended up a tad shorter than the other. But I did my best and it will always grow back. Now it should even grow evenly!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
6 month check up
So this is a few weeks late, but I thought I would give everyone Kaelyn's stats since she went to the Dr last week. For her six month check she was 15 pounds 5 ounces and 26 1/2 inches. She is in the 50th percentile for her weight and 75th for her height. She is accomplishing all the things a six month old should be and doing very well. I thought I would post a video of the thing she is best at right now, which is rolling over, and over, and over!!!!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy Halloween!!!!
Kaelyn's first Halloween was a success! The weekend of Oct 25 we went to a "Trunk or Treat" with Ethan and Kim for their ward. Everyone lined their cars up around the parking lot and the kids went from trunk to trunk to get candy. Then it ended with a chili cook off and some fun activities inside. It was fun to see everyone with their costumes. Kaelyn was a monkey and Joe and I went as zoo keepers! Then for Halloween we stopped by the neighbors and Grandma and Grandpa Renstrom's. It was low key, but what else can you really do with a six month old!!! We got some cute pictures!!!

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