Kaelyn Marie was finally born on Friday, April 25, 2008 at 1:47pm. She was 7 pounds 7 ounces and 20 inches long. It was a long day and didn't go at all how I planned, but we finally got to meet her and she is perfect!
On Thursday I got a call from my Dr saying that I was scheduled to be induced on Friday. He said the hospital would call in the morning and let us know when we were supposed to come in. The phone rang at 5:30am and they asked if we could be there between 6-6:30am. So we got everything together and showered really quickly and got there about 6:15am. They took me into a room and got me in my gown. The plan was to either rupture my membranes if I had dilated or to start me on pitocin. After the nurses checked my progress and found out I still had not dilated, we started the pitocin which brings on the contractions. The nurse asked if the baby was head down and I said yes. She ordered an ultrasound just to be sure. About a half an hour later a resident came in to do the ultrasound. And of course, our little peanut was head up and butt down. The doctor had to confirm this, so the nurses shut off the pitocin and we waited for the Dr. After he came in and confirmed this he said we would need to do a c-section. I have to admit I was pretty sad and scared. I really didn't want to have to do it that way. After talking to him about trying to turn her, it sounded best just to have a c-section. There could be some complications with turning her because she was overdue. So then we had to wait until at least 12pm to do the c-section because when they called and told me to come in they said to eat a small breakfast. Then with the surgery my stomach had to be empty. So while we waited my contractions kicked in. They started to be about 2-3 minutes apart and pretty strong. Then I got up to walk and they went away again. Then it was noon, but there was someone else having a c-section so we had to wait again. Finally a little after 1pm they came and got us. Joe put his scrubs on and we walked to the OR. He had to sit and wait for them to get me all prepped. I have to say having a spinal block and going through a c-section was the weirdest experience!!!! It didn't take very long after they got everything ready to go. Joe came in a sat next to me and held my hand. He looked really scared, but he did an awesome job! As soon as they got her out they held her up for me to see and she dribbled all over my face. I was squinting my eyes and trying to see her, but couldn't really! They wiped my face off and told Joe he could come over and look at her. As soon as he saw her all of the anxiety he was feeling was gone! He was so excited! He got to cut the cord and take pictures. As soon as she was cleaned up he brought her over to me and I held her for just a minute. Then Joe went with her to get things finished up with her while they finished things up with me. Then I went up to recovery for an hour and Joe brought her in to my room. It was the most amazing experience we have ever had!!! That night Joe looked at me and said, "Babe, I am in love with another woman!!" He was so happy and had a grin on his face all weekend!!!!!! Se is the most beautiful little girl we have ever seen, and it is amazing how much love there is for her!!! We are still adjusting to having her home, but all of us are doing well!!!!